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COVID-19 Response

Updated March 2022

During this extraordinary time of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for history education and immersion has never been greater. We are taking necessary precautions to create a clean, comfortable, and enjoyable visit. Whether you are returning or visiting our museum for the first time, we are working to ensure safety.


In line with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control and the State Guidelines for Reopening Attractions, the Powder Magazine routinely updates changes to our procedures, policies, and operations.


Please check back for updates.


Visiting the Museum:

For your safety, our new policies will be displayed in multiple places, including on the entrance gate. Please recognize that attendance is at your discretion. We ask any visitors who feel unwell or have a fever to please stay home.

  • Face coverings/masks are strongly encouraged but not required for staff and visitors when inside the museum. 

  • Social distancing is strongly encouraged.

  • A hand sanitizing station has been implemented at the point of sale.

  • We have increased sanitation for all public areas and surfaces.

Please continue to follow recommended procedures from the CDC. This includes washing your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds, avoiding touching your face, coughing and/or sneezing into a tissue and wearing a face mask when appropriate.


Hours of Operation:

The Powder Magazine is operating at its normal hours: Monday through Saturday 10am-4pm and Sunday 1pm-4pm. The last admission will be sold at approximately 3:40pm every day.


How Can You Help The Powder Magazine?
We appreciate your continued support and your understanding as we all navigate these extraordinary and challenging times. 


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